Teaching & Learning Training

Who can benefit? 

  • individual teachers
  • teams of teachers from the same department / division of the school 
  • whole school approach – general training sessions for all the teaching staff in a school 

Reflection question: what is the percentage of my outstanding lessons?; how about at a department level?; or school division?; or the whole school?

And how do I know what an outstanding lesson looks like? Which are the criteria of success? Is there a general recipe? 

Why would you do teaching and learning training? 

Overall, this is a self-explanatory question, as the process of continuous development and learning is a well-known phenomenon globally.

We would like to point out the need for schools to develop training programmes directed towards the specific needs of each teacher. 

How can we support? 

  • specific training that includes reference to the best practice examples in the international educational environment. 
  • training based on practice – teaching strategies, differentiation, assessment, behaviour management, feed-back & marking. 

We can support the schools to create a whole teacher training programme tailored to the needs of the teachers. And the strategy to develop it, based on objective data! 

We can support school departments to create tool-kits of methods of teaching, differentiation, assessment, based on the expertise already present in the school.